Patient Info
Office hours
Monday to Friday | 8.30 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday | From 9:00 am
Appointments are necessary. Please phone 6372 4355 from 8.30 am Monday-Saturday.
Online bookings are unavailable at present. Our nurses are also available Monday to Friday by appointment.
Longer consultations
If you need longer than a 15-minute consultation, please advise the staff when making the appointment.
Phone calls
If you wish to speak to your doctor by phone, the staff will arrange for the doctor to return your call at the end of the consulting session.
Recalls & reminders
This surgery has an effective recall and reminder system by which we contact you to return to the practice to receive results or follow up treatment. Patients wishing to receive results, may phone after 10.30am. Staff will arrange for the doctor to return your call.
House calls
The doctors prefer to treat you at their rooms, but house visits are possible if you live within the town boundary and are too sick to come to the surgery. Please phone for advice.
Emergency after-hours
If you phone between 6pm and 8.30am you will be given information on how the duty doctor can be contacted. In an emergency, please dial 000 or present to Mudgee District Hospital in Meares Street, or phone them on 6371 9700
An extra charge may be incurred for procedures eg cryotherapy, ECG, ear syringing, pap smears, wound care, biopsy, fracture management etc, and for complicated consultations.
Practice policies
Your medical record is a confidential document. Practice policy is to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. Full Privacy Principles available on request.
It should be noted that our doctors do not respond to emails sent from patients. Patients should always phone our reception staff on 63724355 and make an appointment or leave a message for the doctor to phone them if they wish to discuss any medical issues.
Smoking is strictly prohibited.
Please pay at the time of consultation by EFTPOS. Each doctors fees may be determined by phoning our reception staff. A list of fees are available at the front reception.
Please bring your Medicare card, Pension and Health Care Card with you to the surgery. Veterans Affairs cardholders are bulk-billed.
Individual doctors may elect to bulk-bill at their discretion. Please discuss any financial difficulties with your doctor.
Suggestions are welcome. There is a special box at the front desk for these. Your feedback is important to us, and our practice manager is always available to speak to you. If you wish to put your views or complaint in writing, this can be forwarded to or posted to Locked Bag 2001, Mudgee NSW 2850.